Program: HLM 6 Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Modeling Authors: Stephen Raudenbush, Tony Bryk, & Richard Congdon Publisher: Scientific Software International, Inc. (c) 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module: HLM2.EXE (6.06.2857.2) Date: 13 September 2016, Tuesday Time: 18: 0:16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS HLM2 RUN Problem Title: no title The data source for this run = C:\Users\sandrine.pihet\Documents\Articles&Chapitres&Rapports\Art_BurdenDailyLife_SP-CMP\BurdenDailyLife_AndoHLM\P1&P2_Pré_N26_Complet.mdm The command file for this run = whlmtemp.hlm Output file name = C:\Users\sandrine.pihet\Documents\Articles&Chapitres&Rapports\Art_BurdenDailyLife_SP-CMP\BurdenDailyLife_AndoHLM\hlm2.txt The maximum number of level-1 units = 322 The maximum number of level-2 units = 26 The maximum number of iterations = 10000 Method of estimation: full maximum likelihood Weighting Specification ----------------------- Weight Variable Weighting? Name Normalized? Level 1 no Level 2 no Precision no The outcome variable is FARDEAU The model specified for the fixed effects was: ---------------------------------------------------- Level-1 Level-2 Coefficients Predictors ---------------------- --------------- INTRCPT1, P0 INTRCPT2, B00 * PLAISIR slope, P1 INTRCPT2, B10 * RELATION slope, P2 INTRCPT2, B20 * PSY slope, P3 INTRCPT2, B30 * PBSGENDE slope, P4 INTRCPT2, B40 '*' - This level-1 predictor has been centered around its group mean. The model specified for the covariance components was: --------------------------------------------------------- Sigma squared (constant across level-2 units) Tau dimensions INTRCPT1 PLAISIR slope RELATION slope PSY slope PBSGENDE slope Summary of the model specified (in equation format) --------------------------------------------------- Level-1 Model Y = P0 + P1*(PLAISIR) + P2*(RELATION) + P3*(PSY) + P4*(PBSGENDE) + E Level-2 Model P0 = B00 + R0 P1 = B10 + R1 P2 = B20 + R2 P3 = B30 + R3 P4 = B40 + R4 Run-time deletion has reduced the number of level-1 records to 280 Run-time deletion has reduced the number of level-2 groups to 25 Iterations stopped due to small change in likelihood function ******* ITERATION 1447 ******* Sigma_squared = 209.84067 Standard Error of Sigma_squared = 21.17258 Tau INTRCPT1,P0 286.01322 -0.68144 -2.08349 0.70752 -1.26602 PLAISIR,P1 -0.68144 0.12463 0.01834 0.06706 0.01443 RELATION,P2 -2.08349 0.01834 0.10660 0.00294 0.10043 PSY,P3 0.70752 0.06706 0.00294 0.04035 0.00377 PBSGENDE,P4 -1.26602 0.01443 0.10043 0.00377 0.09681 Standard Errors of Tau INTRCPT1,P0 87.61449 1.93564 1.93447 1.22330 1.64871 PLAISIR,P1 1.93564 0.07765 0.05349 0.03927 0.04891 RELATION,P2 1.93447 0.05349 0.07434 0.03450 0.05443 PSY,P3 1.22330 0.03927 0.03450 0.03004 0.02923 PBSGENDE,P4 1.64871 0.04891 0.05443 0.02923 0.05541 Tau (as correlations) INTRCPT1,P0 1.000 -0.114 -0.377 0.208 -0.241 PLAISIR,P1 -0.114 1.000 0.159 0.946 0.131 RELATION,P2 -0.377 0.159 1.000 0.045 0.989 PSY,P3 0.208 0.946 0.045 1.000 0.060 PBSGENDE,P4 -0.241 0.131 0.989 0.060 1.000 ---------------------------------------------------- Random level-1 coefficient Reliability estimate ---------------------------------------------------- INTRCPT1, P0 0.935 PLAISIR, P1 0.333 RELATION, P2 0.248 PSY, P3 0.237 PBSGENDE, P4 0.359 ---------------------------------------------------- Note: The reliability estimates reported above are based on only 24 of 25 units that had sufficient data for computation. Fixed effects and variance components are based on all the data. The value of the likelihood function at iteration 1447 = -1.200392E+003 The outcome variable is FARDEAU Final estimation of fixed effects: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Approx. Fixed Effect Coefficient Error T-ratio d.f. P-value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For INTRCPT1, P0 INTRCPT2, B00 36.202247 3.525041 10.270 24 0.000 For PLAISIR slope, P1 INTRCPT2, B10 -0.150243 0.110685 -1.357 24 0.187 For RELATION slope, P2 INTRCPT2, B20 -0.184035 0.108142 -1.702 24 0.101 For PSY slope, P3 INTRCPT2, B30 0.266433 0.069496 3.834 24 0.001 For PBSGENDE slope, P4 INTRCPT2, B40 0.361276 0.093221 3.875 24 0.001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The outcome variable is FARDEAU Final estimation of fixed effects (with robust standard errors) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Approx. Fixed Effect Coefficient Error T-ratio d.f. P-value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For INTRCPT1, P0 INTRCPT2, B00 36.202247 3.524733 10.271 24 0.000 For PLAISIR slope, P1 INTRCPT2, B10 -0.150243 0.103041 -1.458 24 0.158 For RELATION slope, P2 INTRCPT2, B20 -0.184035 0.094353 -1.950 24 0.062 For PSY slope, P3 INTRCPT2, B30 0.266433 0.064029 4.161 24 0.000 For PBSGENDE slope, P4 INTRCPT2, B40 0.361276 0.089093 4.055 24 0.001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final estimation of variance components: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Random Effect Standard Variance df Chi-square P-value Deviation Component ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRCPT1, R0 16.91193 286.01322 23 421.57616 0.000 PLAISIR slope, R1 0.35302 0.12463 23 53.64567 0.000 RELATION slope, R2 0.32650 0.10660 23 46.77805 0.003 PSY slope, R3 0.20088 0.04035 23 27.97378 0.216 PBSGENDE slope, R4 0.31115 0.09681 23 46.59470 0.003 level-1, E 14.48588 209.84067 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The chi-square statistics reported above are based on only 24 of 25 units that had sufficient data for computation. Fixed effects and variance components are based on all the data. Statistics for current covariance components model -------------------------------------------------- Deviance = 2400.784608 Number of estimated parameters = 21 Model comparison test ----------------------------------- Chi-square statistic = 12.74124 Number of degrees of freedom = 6 P-value = 0.047